Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Read The Food Label and Get Healthy Diet

Food labels carry useful information to help you make choices about food. Healthy diet is delicious and varied. Some foods carry the date they were manufactured or packed, rather than a ‘use-by’ date, so you can tell how fresh the food is.But it's important to take a close look — beyond the promises — at the nutritional values, ingredients, and calorie counts in the food you buy, and to understand how they factor into your family's healthy eating.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Propper Diet For Teenage Girls

This not an easy subject to talk about due to teenage size and weight varying a lot during teenage years. In this article i will talk about healthy diets for teenage girls.

The best place to start is diet and exercise. During teenage years many girls tend to eat unhealthy foods and many do not carry out any exercise. I find that teenagers need help and motivation with weight loss. To keep on track with a dieting program can be difficult for adults so having a well structured weight loss program to follow will enable the fat loss process to become easier.

For starters, stay off the fizzy pop drips, crisps and chocolate. Consuming these sorts of things daily will not improve your weight and is very unhealthy. Please include more vegetables and fresh fruits. I know you have heard this before, but improving your diet is one of the key factors in diets for teenage girls.

Increase your exercise, participate in school gym classes, join a private gym. You must get regular exercise to burn the calories and fat you are comsuming.

In can be very hard to find a place to start, and there is a lot of advice on how to improve your diet and how to lose your fat. If you feel lost and cannot get motivated i highly recommend following a weight loss program. There on many on the market, but the best will focus on calorie intake and exercise.

Such a program will motivate you and keep you on the right path to reaching your weight loss goal. Do not let your teenage bad habbits follow you into later life increasing your chance of illness and disease. Review the latest products on the market and find a product that suits your needs.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Knows Eating Disorder Types and Treatment

Eating disorders are caused by abnormal eating patterns. These could be overeating or inadequate food intake. Many people tend to eat more food to suppress extreme emotions and depression. They use the snacks and food indulged in as escape routes to deal with emotional stress or bad relationships. Some common eating disorders are anorexia, compulsive eating, binge eating and bulimia.

Psychologists qualify an eating disorder as something of a mental illness that affects a person’s eating habits in such a way that drastically disturbs the physical health of that person. An in-depth analysis by psychologists and psychiatrists list the types of eating disorders as Anorexia Nervosa, Beriberi, Bulimia Nervosa, Hyperphagia, Kleine-Levin Syndrome, Rumination, Binge Eating Disorder, Orthorexia, and Pica. Among these, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa rank as the most common eating disorder.

Eating foods with addictive substances such as sugar and salt. Overtime people become addicted to these ingredients as does their body. It's very difficult to stop eating disorders. Most of the time people who try to stop eating a certain food they are addicted to or change their way of eating to stop eating disorders can't last for 1 week. And in most cases these things can take up to a month or more. however, there is a way for you to get rid of eating disorders and food addictions in 10 days or less.

Eating disorder treatment will look into many different areas of an eating disorder. When an individual receives eating disorder treatment that individual will find out what caused or triggered their eating disorder to start. This is one of the most important phases of eating disorder treatment. For a person to recover from an eating disorder one has to know the underlying causes.

Among the known eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating rise as the most adamant cases particularly in western countries. Research sums up that over a span of one lifetime there are at least 50, 000 people who will die because of eating disorders. If untreated, a total of 20% of individuals inflicted with eating disorders will die. But if applied with treatment, it is trimmed down to between 2-3%.

Eating disorders do not discriminate on the basis of age, either. While eating disorders seem to be more common in young females, the fact is eating disorders can affect those in their elderly years, as well. More treatment centers are beginning to see women in the fifties and beyond and the unfortunate issue with eating disorders in the elderly is they become more deadly.

When treating eating disorders, many experts recommend that both the psychological and physical issues be treated at the same time. Experts also recommend that sufferers of anorexia or bulimia start eating small amounts of fruits and vegetables along with adding a small amount of protein to their diet. Food that is high in zinc is also a good idea as it can help to stimulate the individual's appetite.

It is essential to be vigilant about these disorders. The family support system can be of great help. It is not unusual for young girls and boys to be worried about their appearance and unhappy with their weight. This worry and unhappiness sometimes results in eating disorders. It is important to treat them as soon as possible, as left unchecked, eating disorders can prove fatal.

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Whole Egg or White Egg Which Better?

This has been probably one of the most controversial issues in the Fitness World. And it all boils down to whether you eat the Whole Egg or just the Egg white. As for the whole egg, it's all about the Yolk. Which actually has 210mg of cholesterol. So what? Well as we all know cholesterol when increased, could block arteries to the heart which cause common heart attacks and maybe other cardiovascular diseases. But wait, there are 2 types of cholesterol right? The good which is HDL and the bad which LDL. Before we go any further, lets try to define some terms here.
High-density lipoproteins (HDL) "good cholesterol" - It carries the cholesterol from the arteries back to the liver.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) "bad cholestrol" - It carris the cholesterol through the blood streams from the liver to peripheral tissues. It also carries fat to the arteries which eventually blocks blood from flowing.

So maybe the question in mind is... which of the 2 do we really need? Atually the answer isBOTH. However, it is advised to take at least only 2 whole eggs a week. Why? The LDL or bad cholesterol resides on the Yolk. The HDL or good cholesterol resides on the white. Too much intake of the yolk may trigger some heart illnesses. Though HDL is suppose to free us from LDL,it unfortunately cannot handle the large amount if taken daily assuming a whole egg is consumed. As for weight lifters who need Protein Intake, a good practice wood be 1 whole egg and a couple of egg whites. But of course it is always better to seek a physicians advice just to be safe.

People who are in the weight gain program I believe have Eggs in their Diet list. That's because of it's high Protein content. As we all know, protein is the one responsible for building our mucles.Others get it from milk, fish, beef & white meat (chicken breast/ thigh).
In my second month of training, I'm now going to increase my Protein intake. And Eggs are definitely in my list. Limiting the yolks and increasing the whites of course. I'm also going to start having oat meal which is rich in fiber. Just to flush all those stuff we really don't need in the body.

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